Learn More About Pain-Free Dentists in Queens, NY

by | Jan 2, 2016 | Dentist

Few people remember dental visits with pedal-powered drills and fillings made from silver and gold. In those days, you wouldn’t see a dentist until your pain was unbearable. Education and technological advances have made cleanings and sealants part of normal dentistry, and sedation has rendered visits almost pain-free for nervous clients. These changes make ongoing dental care less stressful and, in turn, more successful. The same advances mean that Dentists Queens NY can also include services once deemed purely cosmetic or that required complicated fabrication. Today, your family dentist can treat any family member at any stage of life.

Contemporary dental care begins in childhood with dentists, like those at Northern Plaza Dental Care, sealing the chewing surfaces of permanent molars as they emerge. As a child grows and more permanent teeth appear, a treatment plan can include orthodontic treatments that straighten the permanent teeth, making cleaning and flossing more productive and gums healthier.

When cavities develop, modern Dentists In Queens NY use air abrasion instead of metal drills to remove tooth decay, and fillings are metal-free. Stains make aging adult teeth unattractive and having them whitened once meant a 7 to 10 day wait. But, through power bleaching, you can now have whiter teeth in as little as an hour. And, if you anticipate losing teeth, or already have missing teeth, you’ll be happy to learn that your dentist can now fabricate bridges and dentures or insert dental implants.

Having teeth of differing heights and widths once meant filing down the natural teeth to attach crowns. However, today’s veneers are thin porcelain coverings, permanently bonded to the tooth’s surface, making a smile more symmetrical. If you’ve always wanted straighter teeth, you can take advantage of a system that straightens your teeth without metal braces. Modern dentistry’s concern for patient comfort makes regular dental care less challenging and today’s family dentists can incorporate a greater range of specialized treatments for each stage of life.

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