Reasons to Call a Dentist in Clayton Today

by | Jan 7, 2016 | Dental

While some dental issues can wait for a little while, others need attention as soon as possible. Many dentists realize this and ensure there are ways to fit another patient in when necessary. Here are a few examples of reasons to call the Dentist in Clayton today and get the help needed.

Loose Filling

A filling has worked loose, and the patient is in danger of losing it. While the problem has not yet caused much in the way of pain, it is a little frustrating. Before residue can begin to work in the gap between the filling and the tooth, it makes sense to have the issue resolved. A Dentist in Clayton can examine the patient and determine if the filling can be saved or if it should come out and be replaced with a new one.

Cracked or Chipped Tooth

While enjoying a can of mixed nuts, the individual happens to bite down on a hard piece of shell. The result is a chipped or cracked tooth. Along with the discomfort, the tooth is not looking all that great. Fortunately, there are several different ways to repair the damage and protect the tooth from further harm. All it takes is a quick visit to the dentist, and the problem will be resolved.

Swelling of a Gum

The gum just below a tooth has begun to swell. It is warm to the touch, and the patient does feel the pressure. There is a good chance that some sort of infection has set up around the root. In order to find out what is happening, a trip to see the dentist is in order. In many cases, the swelling can be treated quickly, and things will be back to normal.

There are plenty of other reasons to pick up the phone and call the local dentist. If a tooth is hurting or damaged in any way, call the team at Forest Park Dental today. Explain the nature of the problem and see how quickly they can work in an appointment. In many instances, the issue will turn out to be one that the dentist can resolve in no more than an hour or two.

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